So today was a total Bailey day. I feel like i haven't been paying as much attention to her as she wants so i dedicated to day to her. We started off going to The Museum of Nature and Science with my friend, Jessica, and her little boy, Cameron. It was a blast. We saw the dinosaur exhibit, wild life, fossils, and they played in the discovery kids area. She had so much fun playing with puzzles, looking through microscopes, and playing in a giant vat of bubbles. Then we came home, ate lunch and decided to go over her cousin for a play day. So she got to play with Aiden and Rowyn for a few hours, which was nice for me cause i got to visit with Heather. After that, she was pretty tired. I ad my scrap booking group tonight so she got to have a Daddy daughter night. He took her to the store and bought her a fairy princess barbie(on clearance). They also got lots of Halloween candy which has mysteriously diminished in the last 3 hours:) Anyway, she told me it was the best day ever! I had to agree, it was really fun for me too:)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So I feel like I have been MIA lately:) I have just been really busy. I was watching my niece, Rowyn, and Nephew, Aiden 3 days a week, but that has ended. It was a pretty good experience. I really enjoy kids so we had a pretty good time. I also received a new calling at church which scared me a lot at first. I am now the first counselor in the Primary Presidency. Today was my first time conducting and i was pretty nervous. Matt is in the primary too so that helped calm me. Everything went really well, so I was happy. I can't believe how many meetings the primary has. I have 5 things I have to be at just this month. It is crazy. Bailey's 3rd Birthday is coming in 2 weeks and i am throwing her a Beauty & the Beast party. She has a Bell dress and everything. She is so excited. Here are a few pictures of the kids from October... Aiden and Bailey making brownies:)
Rowyn looks like a throwback to the 80's.
Aiden with paint on his face:)
Basketball girl!
What an angel:) Looks like she got her mom's chin:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
5:34 PM