Aiden and Bailey waiting for the train
Matt and Bailey in Silver Plum, one of the stops
The train
Bailey and puppy
Bailey totally tired at the end of the day.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
More Pictures
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
1:07 PM
Fun Weekend
This past weekend was packed with fun stuff. We went to 2 Rockies games, one had fireworks that were totally awesome. Seriously, the kind that make your insides pound. Bailey went to that game with us, and loved it! Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures at the games. We also went to Georgetown, CO. It is a about a 30 minute drive into the mountains to get there. It is a historic town with cute Victorian houses and a real train that actually takes people on tours. It was so fun, we went with Matt's Dad, Step-mom, His sister, Heather and her family. The train ride was so beautiful. We rode through the mountains and over a really high bridge, and got to see old mines and beautiful trees which are starting to change color. It was great. After the train we drove through town and looked at all the old houses and found this awesome park with a playground. It was huge and looked like a castle. The kids had the best time there. Bailey got to plat with Matt's dad's new puppy there and loved it. Matt hates dogs, so it was nice that she got to ply with one since we will probably never have one:) Anyway, it was an awesome weekend. I am still a little tired actually:) Rowyn, Aiden, & Bailey
Bailey on Train
Bailey and Aiden
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
12:44 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Rockies Game
We went to the Rockies game yesterday. It was a day game. It was pretty fun, except Bailey wasn't as cooperative as the last time. It was still good though. So I have to tell this story...Matt went to buy a soda and he got up to the counter and asked for a diet coke. The Girl said " did you say diet coke?" Matt, " yes" Girl " You know that's bad for you, right?" Matt,"I know all soda is bad for you." Trying to laugh. Girl," But diet coke is really bad for you." Matt, " OK". She hands him his drink and says, "Enjoy having cancer." Isn't that the weirdest thing you have ever heard? Matt was so annoyed. I told him to call someone in charge of vendors and tell about that girl's horrible customer service. It was pretty much the strangest experience we have ever had at a Rockies game.
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
1:08 PM
New Hair
So usually I have my hair dresser color my hair because I am kind of picky about it, but it's like 100 bucks every time I go. I had my friend, Tyler, do it this time. I really like it, but it is so much blonder than I usually go. Let me know your opinion....:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
1:08 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I think sometimes we forget how much fun it is just doing something one on one with our kids. Or maybe that is just me:) Anyway, I was inspired by my cousin, James's, cooking blog. I saw that he had a recipe for Blondies. I have never made blondies and decided it might be fun to make them with Bailey. We had such a good time. Bailey is a great chef:) It made me realize how big she is getting and how smart she is. I totally miss having her be a baby, but i love this new curiosity for life and learning. It is so fun when you stop and take time to notice the great things that kids do. I love being a mom. It's so worth it:)no the stove top is not on.
She wants one bad:)
The finished product.
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
12:42 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Rockies Game
Today was such a fun day. Matt took off work today, just to take Bailey and I to a Rockies day game. It is less crowded during a day game, so it is nicer for Bailey. We ended up going like 2 hours early so we could eat lunch there and get some autographs. We got Subway for lunch, yum:) It was probably the bet time I have ever had at a Rockies game, even though they lost. We got 6 autographs. Bailey got to see Dinger, the mascot, and Matt got a whole bunch of autographs he has been trying to get for a long time. We walked around a lot and took Bailey to the play ground there, and then we got ice cream sundaes. It was so nice to have a family day in the middle of the week:) I loved it:)Bailey And Dinger
Dinger Autographing his picture
Bailey hugging Dinger
Family at Rockies game
Bailey and Willy Taveres
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
5:15 PM