Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rockies Game

We went to the Rockies game yesterday. It was a day game. It was pretty fun, except Bailey wasn't as cooperative as the last time. It was still good though. So I have to tell this story...Matt went to buy a soda and he got up to the counter and asked for a diet coke. The Girl said " did you say diet coke?" Matt, " yes" Girl " You know that's bad for you, right?" Matt,"I know all soda is bad for you." Trying to laugh. Girl," But diet coke is really bad for you." Matt, " OK". She hands him his drink and says, "Enjoy having cancer." Isn't that the weirdest thing you have ever heard? Matt was so annoyed. I told him to call someone in charge of vendors and tell about that girl's horrible customer service. It was pretty much the strangest experience we have ever had at a Rockies game.


Mel said...

I LOVE your hair. Keep it! What a WEIRD girl at the Rockies game!!!! Who would say that?

Englishfam said...

That is hilarious! People are so weird. One time an old lady in Walmart stopped me in the bread aisle and told me to buy this other brand of bread because it had less ingredients on the label. I said, sorry I don't like that bread it's too thick, I'll take the chemicals thanks and walked off. It was so bizarre. I love your hair blonder! I think it is cute!