Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rockies Game

Today was such a fun day. Matt took off work today, just to take Bailey and I to a Rockies day game. It is less crowded during a day game, so it is nicer for Bailey. We ended up going like 2 hours early so we could eat lunch there and get some autographs. We got Subway for lunch, yum:) It was probably the bet time I have ever had at a Rockies game, even though they lost. We got 6 autographs. Bailey got to see Dinger, the mascot, and Matt got a whole bunch of autographs he has been trying to get for a long time. We walked around a lot and took Bailey to the play ground there, and then we got ice cream sundaes. It was so nice to have a family day in the middle of the week:) I loved it:)
Bailey And Dinger
Dinger Autographing his picture
Bailey hugging Dinger
Family at Rockies game
Bailey and Willy Taveres


Marsha said...

How fun for you guys! We really need to go over there to a game. It's not that far to drive from here!

The Long Family said...

I am glad you guys had such a fun day! Those are the best! Miss you!

Amy said...

That sounds like such a fun day! I would love for cody to just take a day off in the middle of the week so we could do something fun! Glad you got out and did something! How are you? I miss you guys! give bailey a hug from aunt Amy!