Yes, I am sorry I have been MIA for a few months, but a lot has been on my plate. Since my last post, we went to Utah in July and had an awesome baby shower and family reunion., I went in the hospital a week later at 26 weeks pregnant, was on bed rest for 2 weeks and then went into Labor at 28 weeks. I had twin boys, Lincoln Edward (3 pbs. 5 oz), and Ian Garth(2 pbs. 9 oz). We were driving back and forth to the hospital everyday for 3 mos. Both boys are home now and doing great. They are still on oxygen, but that was expected. Lincoln has some other issues, like an umbilical hernia, high blood pressure, and awful reflux. He also has an enlarged kidney. They say all of these things should resolve in time. Ian is just on oxygen, otherwise he is the bigger of the 2 now. We feel very blessed that they came out so well. Bailey loves them and thinks she is their mommy:) She is 4 now and learning so much, it is exciting. It is so great to be a mom. I am still in the tired phase but wouldn't trade this time for the world. Anyway, I hope to keep up much better now that life has somewhat settled. Take care everyone:)Lincoln & Ian
Lincoln & Ian
Bailey, Lincoln, and Ian
Lincoln & Ian
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I am still Alive
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
6:56 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
24 weeks:)
Sorry it has been a while. Life just gets busy I guess:) I had my 24 week check up today. I had to have my Gestational diabetes test. You have to drink this nasty drink and then they draw your blood. I had to drink it right before my ultrasound, which was totally funny because the boys were on a total sugar high. They were kicking eachother and rolling around. It was quite entertaining:) Anyway, All is well. One baby is measuring 1 pound 10 ounces and the other baby is 1 pound 11 ounces. They are in competition to see who will be the biggest. Too close to call right now:) I don't have time to scan and post Ultrasound pics tonight, because we are are leaving for UT and the morning. YAY! It will have to be next week sometime:) I will post a sort of ugly 6 month shot of me though. Be gentle please:) Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone and i can't wait to see those of you in UT this week:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
9:02 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
2 Bouncing Baby Boys!
Sorry it has taken me like 5 days to post what we are having. I am sure everyone knows by now, but if not, this is for you:) We are having 2 sweet baby boys. Matt and I could not be happier. They are looking healthy and great! Baby B is the show off. We got to spend an hour or so watching them on the Ultrasound and Baby B is a camera Hog. Of the pics we took of Baby A, he tried to be in about half of them:) Baby A is my shy boy, crossing his legs and just pretty much hanging out. It is nice to know all is well. I am excited to be seeing them more often now, probably once a month for a little while. I posted a few pics for you:) Enjoy:)21 weeks prego. This is for you Amanda:)
Baby B Sucking his Thumb! So cute!
Baby A just chillin:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
8:27 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sorry it has been so long. I just get busy:) We are all doing great. I just had my 16 week check up on Monday, and everything is going fine. Sorry no ultrasound this time.(I was bummed) We get to find out what we are having on June 18th!(yeah) I have been having a lot of pain in my left thigh, but they say that is normal for a 3rd pregnancy. I guess my ligaments are not as strong as they used to be:) We have been doing some fun things lately. We went to a CO Sox game.(minor league game) It was so hot though, and Bailey was miserable, so we left during the 3rd inning.(Matt was not happy). Went to a place called tiny town, where they have tiny houses and a train you can ride with your kids. Bailey really loved that:) I also reconnected with an old friend from Highschool who lives here:) We hung out Wed. night. It was a blast. She has 2 boys and a baby girl. So cute! Her oldest boy is 4 1/2 and Bailey tells her daddy today that Jackson is her boyfriend. Remember, Bailey is only 3 1/2. I was dying, Matt was like what!? It was funny:) Please tell me someone out there has a daughter who did the same thing at her age. Otherwise it may be tough the next few years:) She was trying to kiss and hug him. Of course, she also smacked him right in the face, so maybe we are ok. All in all life is happy and good. Sorry this has been so random and long:)Here are a couple cute pics of my little teenager:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
6:59 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
12 1/2 week Ultrasound
Yesterday I had my 12 week Sequential screening. they have to do a bunch of measurements on the babies to see if they may have down syndrome or spina bifida. Anyway, the technician doing the ultrasound was really nice. She spent like 45 minutes with us. Well, of course being my children, the babies wouldn't cooperate with her, so she couldn't get correct measurements. I had to get up, walk around go to the bathroom. Then the 2nd go around, she got great measurements and they look fine:) As you can see, Baby B was the Ham of the day, it just kept posing for shot after shot(She thinks this baby may be a boy:))But Baby A was being shy and was curled up and facing down, so we couldn't get any profile shots. Bummer. The tech couldn't tell what Baby A might be, but I am sticking with Bailey's prediction of 1 boy and 1 girl:) Anyway, all is well with me, I am so happy. Until next time:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
7:04 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter was fun this year. Bailey was kind of grumpy when she woke up, so it took a bit of coaxing to get her out of bed, but she finally came around:) She was so excited to see her Easter basket, it was funny. We went to church but had to leave early, which I wasn't thrilled about but we had a family lunch over Matt;s Grandma's. It was really nice and then the excitement began. The Easter egg hunt! It was fun watching all the kids search for eggs in Grammy's backyard. Sophie and Rowyn did the best, while Bailey and Aiden did OK, but they didn't have much help from the adults:) It was raining a little too, but still really fun. Later we went to Matt's mom's for dinner, it was so yummy. I pretty much felt sick most of the day, I think because I didn't get enough sleep the night before, but its cool. I still had a great time. Bailey learned the true meaning of Easter so I feel good about that. She says its about Jesus coming back to life:):) I love that kid. We all crashed when we got home at about 9:30pm or 10pm. Yes, we were that tired, at least Bailey and I were:):) I Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!Cute Cousins!
Bailey and I during the Easter egg hunt:)
Big smiles!
Nice hair!
Random pic that I thought was hilarious:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
7:02 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Definitely 2 in there:)
Baby A and Baby B.
We just found out yesterday that we are being blessed with Twins! I can't believe it. We are so excited. It's still too early to be scared, so we will see when that comes:) Bailey has actually been telling us the whole time that there were 2 babies in there. Infact, the Technician didn't even check for more until I asked if there was only one. Then she did another sweep of my uterus and sure enough there was the other baby:) Anyway, our due date is November 1st, but they told me that they won't let me go past 37 weeks, so probably October. Please keep us in your prayers, we will need them:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
8:23 AM
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Worst Weekend Ever!
Poor, poor Matt. I feel so bad for my sweet husband. So we moved a few weeks ago to a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment that I love. Anyway, Matt kept feeling like he was in pain. He actually thought he had a hernia on his belt line.It was scary. He went to the Dr. who told him it wasn't a hernia, but didn't know what it was. she is lame! So he let it go for another 4 days which was this past Friday. His sister,Jill, who is a nurse, took one look at it and said she thought it was a staff infection.(An infection of the skin, and tissue) Well, that night(sorry this is graphic) it started draining. It was so gross! It did alleviate some of the pressure though. Never the less Jill convinced Matt that he needed to go to the ER and get on antibiotics quickly. So Saturday morning we go to the ER and the Dr looks at it and says it looks like an abscess or staff infection, and pretty much does surgery on Matt right there. She lanced the abscess 3 times. It was awful, cause I had to watch, It's like a train should look away, but you just can't! She then put Matt on 2 different antibiotics, 1 you take 4 times a day and the other 3 times a day! The next day was Sunday. He wasn't feeling so great but toughed it out through church and came home. He took a nap, and our home teachers came over. After they left Matt started getting really cold and shivering. I took his temperature and it was 101.5. His sister said to go back to the ER, so we did. He was having shortness of breath, and convulsions in the car. It was terrifying for me. I thought he was dying. So we get there and there is a suicide patient in front of us at the check in desk. His wrist and Neck were slashed up and bleeding. Scary! They took his temperature and it was 102.1 and his blood pressure was 158/93, high! So they got him in so fast, it was amazing. They took like 6 or 7 viles of blood to test. I think he got poked in 5 different spots. Then they did a chest x-ray. We were there for 4 hrs and they finally told us that the fever had nothing to do with the infection. He has pneumonia! What are the odds! So he is on another antibiotic for that. Poor guy, I feel so bad for him. Anyway, that was our not so fun weekend in the ER:) Thanks for stinking with me to the end:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
7:29 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Las Vegas Trip
So it has taken me forever to blog about our awesome trip to Las Vegas...sorry:) We left on Friday the 13th(scary) and checked into the Luxor Hotel(the pyramid). We were so tired that we actually fell asleep for 3 hours. It was the best nap ever:) We got up and decided to walk the strip because we had to go all the way to the Venetian, so far away! It took us about an hour and a half. Needless to say, our feet were killing us:) We went to see Phantom of the Opera. It was amazing! I have seen it on Broadway, and it was just as good or maybe better in Vegas! If you ever go, and Phantom is playing, it is totally worth it. After the show was over Matt took me on a Gondola ride. The Gondolier sang to us in Italian and he had an amazing voice. It was very romantic:) The next day we got sucked into a time share presentation for like 3 hours. It was pretty fun actually, because Matt is such a hard nose and wouldn't even consider buying one. I felt bad for the lady doing the selling. But we got free dinner theater tickets, and $75:) It was worth it. Later that day we went to Mandalay Bay and went to the Shark Reef aquarium. It was pretty cool. I got to pet sting rays so that was awesome. They are really soft. That night we went to the dinner Theater. The show was called The Kings Tournament. It is basically a medieval show where they joust and sword fight, you get to eat with your hands and cheer. It was a blast. The most unique Valentines date I have ever had. We had a wonderful time. Sunday we didn't really do much, just walked around and ate at a few buffets. We were ready to leave. Matt got us a limo to the airport which was cool because I have never been in one, so it was romantic. I love My husband so much. It was so sweet of him to surprise me with this trip. Love you Babe:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
10:16 AM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Temper Tantrums
Ok, so the myth about the terrible two's is so misleading. You think if I can only live through 2, I will be ok. Well, I am here to tell you that 3 is so much worse! This maybe a venting blog, so if you don't want your ears assaulted with whining, I would stop reading now:) Bailey turned 3 in November and I swear a switch flipped and her temper tantrums increased ten fold. Matt and I actually don't know what to do anymore. She whines or throws a fit about almost everything. Especially if she is told no, or that she has to be patient and wait a few minutes. It is like I shot her or something, the drama involved in these tantrums is almost hilarious if it weren't so annoying and frustrating. Please someone tell me that their child is as crazy as mine. It's so weird too, because they end as quickly as they began too. One minute she will be screaming in time out and the next she is laughing and talking about how cute Matt's cologne bottles are. Please, any advice would be appreciated.
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
1:26 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Welcome Brady!
For those of you who haven't heard, Amanda had her sweet little boy on Thursaday January 15th. Brady was 6 pounds 6 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. I am so excited and proud of her for doing the best she could to bring this little guy into the world. She will be the best mother she can be, because it took so much to have him. It makes you appreciate you little ones so much when you have gone through great adversity to have them. I just want Amanda to know how much I love her and appreciate her faith. We have been through a lot together over the past 15 years. But we have come through it stronger more righteous people.
I wish I could be there to see this little miracle and be a bigger part of his life, but I will just have to watch him grow though pictures and occasional visits. I already love him so much though. Congratulations Amanda & Nick. I am so happy for you both!
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
5:23 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Avalanch Game
So Matt got tickets from his company for the Colorado Avalanch Hockey Game. He was supposed to use them to take people from the properties he works with. He only got 4 tickets so he had to chose just one property. The property he picked has 3 leasing agents, so it would work out. Well, one of the guys couldn't go, so I got to go. These seat were in the front row, right on the ice. The retail value on these ticket was $198.00 per tiket. Crazy! It was so awesome. We were in the corner behind the goal, so all the fightd happened right in front of our faces. The puck got shot into the glass tons. It was actually a little scary at first. We had such a great time! It was one of the funnest times i am have ever had at a hockey game:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
12:12 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
Utah Trip
Matt and I decided that we would spend Christmas with my parents in Logan, UT this year.We had to leave a day early because of the weather. We didn't want to be pulling into Logan in a blizzard. The driving was fine except that it was really windy in some parts with blowing snow. We pretty much just hung out at my parents house because the weather was bad. Luckily, everyone was able to make it for Christmas Eve, except Matthew, who's car broke down in Salt Lake. We had tons of food, and kids running around. We just talked and sang carols. It was great being with everyone. Christmas morning was great too. We got up at about 7 am, not by my choice:) But Matthew's kids were so excited. Bailey was a little slow to wake too, I don't think she is old enough yet to get really excited about Christmas and Santa:)Santa brought my mom a cat named Rascal. This is my mom reading the note from Santa:)
The kids went nuts when they saw the cat. Max was running around saying,"Santa is real, I knew it!" It was so fun to see their joy:)
Bailey and he tinker bell stuff. She loves the flash light.
She also got a bunch of Disney Princess stuff in he stocking:) My favorite thing was a portable DVD player that was a life saver on the car trip home:)
This is so funny! My parents got each other the exact same 2 movies. On Christmas Eve, Amy sat next to me and told me that my dad had asked her to wrap his gifts for mom. So she knew they got each other the same thing, and so did all of us kids, but no body told them. It was hilarious Christmas morning watching them open the same gifts!
The trip was really fun. The only regret is that we didn't go down to Salt Lake to visit the rest of my awesome family. The weather was just horrible that week. Oh well, next time I will see everyone:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
2:09 PM
Bailey and Savannah love Grandma Stephenson!
All dressed up for Christmas Eve.
Matt and I celebrated our 6 year Anniversary on Dec. 27th. We went out to dinner, then went and bought rootbeer for rootbeer floats back at my parents.
Bailey loved Rascal the cat. She was sad we had to leave him there.
We went straight to Matt's Grammy's house for his Dad's birthday party. Bailey and Rowyn love their Grammy Herman. It's good to be home but I still really miss my family. I loved spending Christmas with them:)
Posted by
Matt & April Herman
1:58 PM