Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Review!

So I went to the 10 pm showing of Twilight last night. In my opinion is was really good. I thought they stayed pretty true to the book, which made me happy. I was a little disappointed in the Meadow scene, i think i just pictured it differently in my head. Overall, I thought the movie was very entertaining and Edward was pretty cute too:) The Character I didn't like was Eric, was he supposed to act so flamboyant? Anyway, if you haven't seen it, go, it is great! I can't wait for the others to come out:)


Amber Marie Smith-Pikey said...

ahhh i can't wait to see it! i was going to go opening night but i hate crowded theaters and my sister really wanted to go with me so we're going wednesday when she gets here. i was already disappointed in the actors they picked to play bella, edward and jacob so i don't have super high expectations...movies are usually better when you don't anyway.

Amy said...

I loved it April! I totally agree with you on the meadow scene, that was pretty cheesy. I also agree with you on the eric character. I totally didnt picture him that way. I also pictured mike differently. Thought he would be more of a prom king, jock type. Edward was hot..enough said.

The Long Family said...

LOVED IT! I was so pleased with the whole thing! Now, when is NEw Moon coming to theatres?!?!